Brink Case #001b

Scene: CW981
Single Hyde Park, London, UK

Investigation Details
4th, 03:02 - DS BECKETT 3015612 [Brink Case Creation]
03:30 - PC781 3015723

Responding to a request for assistance from DI Shivers, I entered the address of the victim and made my way to the first floor bedroom. There I saw the victim lying on the floor. There was blood covering the floor, walls and ceiling. The victim appeared to have a large hole in his chest and I saw what appeared to be a spinal column lying next to him.

I left the bedroom and requested an ambulance and a Scene of Crime Officer.

05:01 - SOCO BHATTI [Attending scene]

Attended scene at 0500. Scene processed. Observations:
Scene secured and cordoned at the front of the property.
VICTIM ONE lying on his back with 30cm hole in chest.
Spinal cord separated from torso and lying next VICTIM ONE.
Blood pooling directly below body, blood splatter on walls and ceiling.

RB1 - Blood sample from blood splatter on floor.
RB2 - Blood sample from blood splatter on wall.
RB3 - Blood sample from blood splatter on ceiling.
RB4 - Spinal cord.
RB5 - Footprint in blood by on the window sill.
RB6 - Dark fluid splatter on wall.
RB7 - Body of VICTIM ONE.
RB8 - Firearm bullet embedded in window frame.
RB8 - Firearm bullet embedded in rear wall.

03:20 - DS BECKETT 3015612

DI SHIVERS called me to the address of VIC1 following intelligence that suggested he may be the target of a murderer. When we arrived I heard a shout for help. I went around the rear of the property while SHIVERs entered via the front door.

Upon checking the back garden, no one was present. I checked the rear door which was locked. I then heard a loud crunch sound, followed by gun fire and the sound of breaking glass. SUSP1 landed in front of me. He was holding his right shoulder. I identified myself and asked SUSP1 to show me his hands. My intention was to arrest SUSP1. However, several people came out from the back of the garden. They all appeared to be wearing masks. One of them hit me across the face causing deep scratches on my right cheek.

SHIVERS came to assist me. I made a dynamic risk assessment and made a tactical retreat. We were chased in to Hyde Park by the group, where we lost sight of them." Then there were several other people in the garden. One of which struck me in the face. Shivers then came to help me and the next thing I knew we were in Hyde Park. A small girl told me 'they were coming' so Shivers and I made our way out of the park."

[AMENDMENT 03:25] Upon reflection, it is clear that I was dazed by a strike to the face from the suspect. The suspect appeared to be the same person I encountered in Coomb Wood, although it was difficult to say as he appeared to be wearing a mask. We chased the suspect to Hyper park were we lost sight of him."

04:21 - DI SHIVERS 3014159

I asked DS BECKETT to join me at the address of VIC1 following a lead that he may be targeted by SUSP1. As we approached the residence of VIC1 I heard a shout for help. I entered the property through the front door.

I followed the sound of arguing to the first floor bedroom where SUSP1 . I check the rear door which was locked. I then heard a loud crunch sound, followed by gun fire and the sound of breaking glass. I then saw SUSP1 then fall from the first floor bedroom window. I recognised SUSP1 as the same individual I saw attack Dr ISAACS. SUSP1 landed in front of me. He was holding his right shoulder. I identified myself and asked SUSP1 to show me his hands. My intention was to arrest SUSP1. However, several people came out from the back of the garden. They all appeared to be wearing masks. One of them hit me across the face causing deep scratches on my right cheek.

SHIVERS came to assist me. I made a dynamic risk assessment and made a tactical retreat. We were chased in to Hyde Park by the group, where we lost sight of them."

03:01 - DI SHIVERS 3014159
Victim One

Art: Marcelo Simonetti

Victim Two

Art: Marcelo Simonetti

Victim Three

Art: Marcelo Simonetti